Available Facilities

Radiological Research Accelerator Facility
RARAF is a biomedical resource center specializing in the delivery of known quantities of radiation with micrometer precision and resolution using our single-cell/single-particle microbeam irradiator. RARAF also provides broad beam irradation platforms for performing cell population studies for particle irradiations.
RARAF is the location of the Columbia IND Neutron Facility (CINF). A unique neutron spectrum irradation facility mimicing the expected neutron spectrum from an IND for cell and small animal studies.
For more information, please visit RARAF.
Instrument Shop
The Center for Radiological Research Instrument Shop offers the most comprehensive design in the Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Established in 1947, the facility has been continuously modernized and updated. Using a CAD (computer-aided design) system, specialized, complex, custom-made instrumentation and equipment of almost any physical size, including micro-machining of plastics, metals, and ceramics, can be fabricated. Consultation with and guidance for researchers is provided in determining appropriate materials and design, along with technical advice and suggestions. The shop is also equipped for micro-brazing and micro-silver soldering, as well as for plastic molding and mechanical repair of small laboratory equipment.
The facility is a world leader in the fabrication of ionization chambers and proportional counters used in radiation studies and in microdosimetry. Other specialized items produced include imaging systems such as intravital microscopes and customized PET scanners.
Charges are based on the intricacy of work requested, plus materials. Items routinely made include:
- Radiation targets and radiation shields including beta-particle bench shielding, bins, storage, and work boxes and lead containers and shields Collimators (lead or tungsten)
- Custom-made microscopes and modifications such as temperature chambers and specialized stages
- Cell flow and micro-sieving chambers
- Gimbal systems
- Positioning systems
- Micro slides (x-y-z)
- Surgical stainless steel implants (neurological and orthopedic)
- Micropipette holders
- Electrophoresis units and custom combs
- X-ray targets and phantoms
- Vacuum systems
Radiation Research Core Facility
The Radiation Research Core Facility provides a comprehensive range of irradiation sources designed to facilitate exposure of small animals, cells in culture, microorganisms, and macromolecules to gamma-rays (Co and Cs sources), X-rays and 254 nm UV light. Consultation is available to provide guidance for experimental design.
To learn more about the Facility and its use, contact Mr. Mikhail Repin, Ph.D.
(mr3209@cumc.columbia.edu , phone: 347-244-1219, room: VC11-233) or Facility Director Howard B. Lieberman, PhD (hbl1@cumc.columbia.edu).
The iLab Core Managment System is used for scheduling and billing.
To reserve equipment usage, go to the iLab Core Managment site (https://cumc.corefacilities.org) and log in with your UNI and password. If you have not used iLab before, you will be asked to select your laboratory. Your PI or lab manager must then approve your membership and assign a chartstring for billing.
Small Animal Radiation Research Platform (SARRP 200)
What is the SARRP?
The SARRP is a specialized precise radiation delivery systems equipped with onboard CT guidance to facilitate precise positioning and deliver radiation to a localized region in laboratory mice and rats and sparing healthy tissue. It is equipped with cone beam CT capability and treatment planning software that allows for 3D-CT based planning of radiation plan and has the capability to fuse DICOM images from other imaging modalities, such as MRI, to help assist with treatment planning.
Why use the SARRP?
SARRP (Small Animal Radiation Research Platform), incorporates CT imaging with precise radiation delivery to enable researchers to pinpoint an exact anatomical target. This small animal irradiator can then deliver single or multiple beams of radiation to the target with the utmost accuracy, matching the clinical techniques used in oncology departments around the world. This precision becomes important particularly in the evaluation of immune activating therapies where whole animal irradiation would inhibit the animal's immune system.
Advantages of the SARRP System:
The SARRP enables researchers to increase experimental reproducibility through integrated molecular imaging and radiation delivery which seamlessly delivers conformal dose to a prescribed target. The SARRP is dynamic and flexible in design to aid researchers in achieving experimental goals.
- Provides state-of-the-art 3D volumetric image guidance for target localization and dose delivery
- Minimized exposure to non-targeted tissues and organs.
- Non-invasive procedure
- Easy to use, reliable, and reproducible
- Customizable to meet new and innovative applications.
- High resolution, low imaging dose, on board cone beam-CT imaging and 3D reconstruction
- Image fusion for increased accuracy in target localization and avoidance of organs at risk
- High precision beam geometry to achieve 3D-conformal dose distributions.
- Open platform to enable the addition of other imaging modalities and future technologies.
For more information please contact:
Hong-Jian (James) Wei, Ph.D., Manager of SARRP
Department of Radiation Oncology
Center for Radiological Research
Email: hw2711@cumc.columbia.edu
Phone: (646)317-3033