Service-Based Experiments
A significant proportion of user-initiated experiments at RARAF are service oriented. Service is generally characterized by routine operation of our current technologies, in which we provide support, but not necessarily significant intellectual input. For such studies, users can choose to come to RARAF for their experiment, or samples can be sent to us for irradiation, and we will irradiate and return the samples. When needed, RARAF staff will provide appropriate training. RARAF guidelines defining a service-based experiment are:
The experiment is fully designed by the user with minimal input from RARAF staff;
The experiment uses existing facilities and requires at most minor modifications;
RARAF is acknowledged in all resulting publications but RARAF personnel are not necessarily co-authors;
A fee will normally be charged on a per-hour or per-day basis.
Resources Currently Available for Service-Based Experiments
Charged particle microbeam
- 70-120 keV/µm α particles; 8-25 keV/µm protons
- 0.6 µm diameter focused beam spot
- 10,000 cells/hour throughput
X-ray microbeam
- 4.5 keV monochromatic X-rays
- 2 µm diameter focused beam spot
Broad-beam irradiations
- Track Segment: 70-180 keV/µm α particles; 9-40 keV/µm protons, 20-55 keV/µm deuterons
- Neutron irradiation facility: 220 keV - 15 MeV
- X-Ray irradiation facility (250 kVp)
Advanced imaging capabilities
- Multi-color fluorescence microscopy
- Multiphoton microscopy; integrated into microbeam endstation
- Immersion Mirau Interferometry, for no-UV / no-stain imaging
Sample preparation
- Fully-equipped, user-friendly biology laboratories adjacent to irradiation areas
- Single-cell samples: mono-layers plated on a thin substrate or in flasks
- Bulk samples: facilities for handling tissues, nematodes and fish embryos
- available for all irradiation modes
Application Process for Service-Based Beam Time
RARAF invite prospective service-based users to submit proposed experiments. We ask that prospective users discuss the proposed experiment with the RARAF Director, Guy Garty, at 914-591-9244 or at
All applicants for service-based beam time should fill out a Service Experiment Request Form, which is available online: Service Request Form. Service-based applications are promptly evaluated, generally by the RARAF staff. When approved, beam time will be conveniently scheduled on a month-to-month basis.